To study and compare maternal complications following primary caesarean section in primigravida and multigravida.
Background: The incidence of cesarean section has doubled or tripled all over the world in the last 15 years. Though modern technology and facilities have made this operation remarkably safe, but still cesarean section is associated with increased risk of maternal morbidity and mortality as compared to vaginal delivery as well as it also complicates the management of subsequent pregnancies.
Methods: This is hospital based prospective study of comparing the primary caesarean section in primigravida and multigravida.
Results: Maternal intra-operative complications like PPH, Subtotal hysterectomy, extended anaesthesia and near-miss morbidity were much higher in group B (38%) as compared to group A (1.3%). Blood transfusion rate was high in multigravida (20.7%) compared to primi gravida (4.7%).
Conclusion: Primary caesarean section in multipara are associated with high maternal morbidity.
Keywords: Primary caesarean, Multipara, Primipara.