Knowledge, Attitude and Practices related to cervical cancer.
Background: Cervical cancer is most common cancer among in Indian women. women reported barriers to screening includes lack of awareness of risk factors, symptoms & prevention and stigma n misconception about gynecological disease and lack of national cervical cancer screening guideline
Material and methods: A facility based cross sectional study was done 1000 women of reproductive age group (15-45 years) who present to out-patient department in gynecology.
Results: A total of 1000 women are approached for interview, in which 910(91.00%) had not heard about cervical cancer, only 9.00% women had knowledge about cervical cancer. About 82.00% women had positive attitude about cervical cancer screening & its vaccine.
Conclusions: Women need more information about cervical cancer risk factors, symptoms and screening program.
Keywords: Cervical cancer, awareness, screening.