The prevalence of Klebsiella species isolates from various clinical samples – A cross sectional study


  • Shalini.S.Shettar 1Department of Microbiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KLES


Introduction: Klebsiella species belongs to family Enterobacteriacae is a gram negative bacilli responsible for causing a number of infections. Among Klebsiella species, species pneumoniae and oxytoca are frequently isolated in cultures. These organisms are even responsible for nosocomial infection.

Aims & objectives: This study was carried out to know the prevalence of Klebsiella species

Material & methods: All the Klebsiella species isolated from various clinical samples received at Department of Microbiology, JNMC, KAHER’s from January 2017 – December 2017 were included in the study. The isolates were identified by colony characters and standard biochemical tests.

Results: Out of total 16,290 clinical samples, 132 isolates were Klebsiella species giving the prevalence of 0.81%. Out of these 132 isolates 126(95%) isolates were Klebsiella pneumoniae and 6(5%) were Klebsiella oxytoca. The maximum numbers of isolates were isolated from sputum followed by urine, pus, etc.

Conclusion: As prevalence of Klebsiella species are next to Escherichia coli for causing bacteremia, knowledge of their local prevalence helps to reduce spread these organisms in the hospital settings.

Key words: Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Klebsiella sp.




How to Cite

Shalini.S.Shettar. (2018). The prevalence of Klebsiella species isolates from various clinical samples – A cross sectional study. International Journal of Medical Science And Diagnosis Research, 2(5). Retrieved from


