Background: Developing countries like India are facing a double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in India. The estimated adjusted prevalence rate of stroke range, 84-262/100,000 in rural and 334-424/ 100,000 in urban areas. Depression is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and helplessness. Depressed patients can experiences loss of energy or fatigue, inability to concentrate and decreased interest in daily living activity with changes in sleep and weight, and thoughts of death and suicide.
Objectives: To measure the prevalence of depression in chronic stroke patients.
Study design: Observational study
Methods: A total of 85 participants were recruited in this observational study. Each participant was given BDI scale.
Results: About 85 participants, 52.9% were moderately depressed, 18.85% of severely depressed, 16.5 % of mild mood disturbance, and 11.85% of borderline depressed chronic stroke patients.
Conclusion: This study concluded that prevalence of depression ranges from moderate to severe percentage in chronic stroke patients.
Keywords: stroke, cerebrovascular accident, hemiplegia, prevalence, epidemiology, with Booleans AND, OR, IN.