An assessment of tear production by Schirmer’s test among contact lens wearer
Dry eyes syndrome characterized by evaporative tear film or deficiency in rate of tear production is a common problem especially among contact lens wearers. Over the years, many previous studies have proved the changes of tear film parameters due to contact lens wearing; yet, the quantification of tear production during contact lens wear has received limited attention. Thus, the purpose of this research is to determine effect of silicone hydrogel contact lens wear on tear production measurement among contact lens wearer. An experimental study was conducted involving contact lens wearer from age 19 to 29 years old in Shah Alam, Selangor. The tear production rate was measured using Schirmer’s test II (with Alcaine), before and after two hours contact lens wearing. A total of 40 contact lens wearer were participated with 16 male (40%) and 24 female (60%). Mean tear production rate measurement for all subjects’ shown 20.28 ± 6.89 mm. Paired T-test analysis shown no significant difference between pre tear production rate measurement (20.28 ± 6.89 mm) and post tear production rate measurement (20.08 ± 6.87 mm, p = 0.54). In this study, the mean of tear exchange shown no significant difference with gender (male = 0.43 ± 2.15 mm, female = 0.00 ± 2.06 mm, p = 0.42). As the conclusion, this study has supported that the main cause of dryness among contact lens wearers is not mainly due to lack of tears production.
Keywords: Schirmer’s test, tear production, dry eye